Sunday, April 27, 2008

i'm feeling it

I generally always want to help people. It seems like sometimes I just get used to the hurt and suffering in the world around me. Sometimes I'm so used to seeing my friends cry that I just try to make them stop crying instead of helping to fix what is hurting them. Sometimes I hear about tragic events and I don't even manage to get a "how sad" out of my mouth because I'm so caught up in my own world. For the last week I haven't been having many days like that. I've become very very very empathetic lately. It's making my soul hurt. I hate the world we live in. I honestly hate it. Maybe I shouldn't have hate in my heart, but tonight I can't seem to help it. There is so much pain and suffering in the world. There are so many awful broken situations, people, places, or things. We cannot get away from the brokenness around us. Everywhere we turn something is going wrong. Nothing is perfect. How frustrating it is to realize the amount of need in the world and not be able to help everyone. It's crazy for me to think I could help everyone, I know that, yet I still long to make an impact. To love people in a way that changes them, even if it's just for a minute...

Even as I type this I find Jesus speaking to me and giving me hope. As much as I want to be on a soapbox about our terrible world, I see His light coming through. Much like my last post, I'm realizing as I go that Christ came to fix these things. He could come back right now and heal everything. I can't wait for that. I can't wait to be in Heaven. In this world when nothing around me seems perfect, He is still perfect. I can find refuge in Him. How do people live without that comfort? I suppose that's the reason we share His love...


anna said...

girl we're like peas and carrots

valerie said...
