Sunday, September 7, 2008

College life is busy. I always have 10,000 things to read. That's why the blogging has slowed down.

I miss everyone but I'm also really enjoying life at Wheaton. I wish I could be home to experience football games, sit on my couch with my sibs, go to RVCC, or see Silas with his cast but I can't be. I know I'm where God wants me and I'm certainly enjoying it. There are times I want to jump on a plane and visit home tho!

Today I realized that I don't know anyone in Wheaton, IL that isn't a Christian. The 'bubble' of christian college... I have found some interesting ministry options that I will hopefully be able to start soon. Probably more to come on that...

I've realized how dependent on God I am during the last few weeks. I always knew it but it's different now. I used to think I knew what I would do with my life. Now I'm not so sure. I used to be secure in the people around me, my friends and family, now I must be secure in God or I feel obscure. I'm already being stretched, challenged, and changed. I love it. 

as for church shopping (coughJENNcough)

week 2 (last week)
Mason and I went to Antioch Community Church. Everyone there was really friendly and kind. The church rents an old theater every weekend - during the week it's used for renovation fundraisers. I liked the feeling I got from the community there. I felt welcome. The sermon was about healing. Interesting topic... Antioch is charismatic. It was a very 'tame' (for lack of a better word) sermon about healing for the type of church it is. I agreed with some points the pastor made, but not all of them. I want to go somewhere I don't agree with EVERYTHING because I want to think about things and be challenged to evaluate why I believe what I believe and maybe even change some of my views but I just don't think Antioch is the place for me. It's my favorite of the churches we've visited so far, but still not for me.

week 3 (today)
Today we visited Wheaton Bible Church. It's a small mega-church. That's a strange sentence... Anyway, I found out it's not really for me either. They just built a huge new 'campus.' Everything is brand new and beautiful. The problem, for me, is that it felt commercialized. I was distracted from Jesus by lights, decorations, and fancy stuff that I couldn't figure out a purpose for... (decorative lamps randomly scattered across the stage) I believe the people who go there are spiritual people and I'm not trying to judge their motives or their hearts but I just can't wrap my mind around spending so much extra money on such frivolous things when there are so many people in the world a few million dollars could help. I know they need room for ministry and to hold their congregation but why does a church need so much in the way of material things? As soon as I walked in, I lost focus of Jesus and put my focus on what they had. My personal worship wasn't authentic there. My heart wasn't in a place that I could worship and grow. It just wasn't for me...

Dear Marty Ford (and band)
You have spoiled me in an insane way.


Jenn Ruggles said...

I know things are busy but thinks for blogging. I, we, miss you too! But I know that if God didn't want you at Wheaton you wouldn't be there. God has great things in store for you. We miss you very, very much but we love you and are excited for you and the things are to come. We can't wait to spend some time with you when you come home. Have fun and don't stress too much. We will see you in October.

T5Guy said...

:) thanks. we are happy to spoil you #:)~

Roogles said...

Hey, great to hear that things are going well!

Amen on the MFE Comment.